As part of the End Systems sustainability policy and specifically our commitment to “Healthy Communities”, we have chosen Astley & Tyldesley JFC to receive the companies support and sponsorship.
Managing Director, Brian Townsend, reiterated the importance of supporting local communities and in particular efforts to ensure children are supported in sporting initiatives.
Astley and Tyldesley Under 9’s are an enthusiastic and completive football team, playing throughout the North West, it is therefore right that as a local employer we contribute to the tremendous efforts of the volunteer coaching staff and dedicated parents who commit their time to developing kids through sport.
Since introducing the striking new Black Kits, Astley and Tyldesley have been on a winning streak and came away winners in a recent local tournament, after the lads urged the coaches to let them wear the “Lucky New Kits”
Good Luck Lads and We’re expecting great things in the new season!