Returning to work is everyone’s number one priority right now, but how prepared is your business?
By facing the challenges of Coronavirus together, we can help ensure your staff feel safe, so they can concentrate on doing a great job.
Be safe
Understandably many business owners and property managers are concerned about buildings that have been left dormant or under capacity during lockdown.
With a 40-year reputation built on quality, value and skills; with End Systems assistance you can be confident reopening. By controlling the risk in re-occupying you can be Safe in the knowledge that every member of your workforce, and every visitor, will be protected while on your premises.
Be compliant
The World Health Organisation has recently published information about the airborne transmission of COVID-19. This new information further emphasises the importance of having good, effective ventilation in a building. Ensuring correct air change rates in an occupied space has always been an important design consideration and perhaps perceived as only being critical in healthcare settings. Given our ‘new normal’, the emphasis on correct air change rates across all occupied settings is becoming crucial. End Systems can survey and re-commission your existing systems to meet such requirements with our team of qualified engineers.
Other considerations include that of dormant water systems, It is the legal responsibility of employers, property owners (e.g. landlords), and/or persons involved in the control or maintenance of facilities to assess, monitor and manage the risks associated with Legionella pneumophilia bacteria. This could involve setting up a water management program which includes regular testing of water systems. One way of monitoring the risk of Legionella is to test and control the temperature of water supplies: to prevent the growth of Legionella pneumophilia, water should be cooled to below 20°C or heated to above 60°C. End Systems can carry out detailed testing to survey water temperatures, carry out water quality sampling and re-chlorination of water systems
We can ensure your building services systems are performing in accordance with industry guidelines by taking a risk based approach that can be managed and monitored during your transition period.
We can help you with:
- Ventilation surveys
- Re-commissioning to avoid recirculation and increase fresh air supply
- AHU filter checks
- Air quality checks / ductwork cleanliness checks
- Water hygiene risk assessments
- Legionella testing
- Re-chlorination of domestic water systems
- Energy optimisation surveys
Be ready
In these uncertain times, your people are counting on you to help get them back to work. You can rely on our expertise to help you do it safely.
If you would like more information about how End Systems can help get your business ready to reopen, contact us today at [email protected] or call 01942 673229.